Suffer from FOMO? (fear of missing out) Here’s 2 tools to shift your mindset!
Why is it that sometimes adopting a new mindset can be as simple as turning on a light switch, while other times it feels like you’re re-doing the electrical wiring in your house?
‘Cause if it were all easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.’
I recently opened up about my insecurity around FOMO (fear of missing out). This massive realization hit me while I was strolling through the forest last week. It hit me so hard that I felt inclined to share my experience and offer some simple tools to support you because I know that I’m not the only one who suffers from this.
One of my main FOMO problems is the fact that I genuinely do like getting in on the action. I always tell my pals, “I’m a sure thing when it comes to having fun.” On the other hand, I often get sucked into the vortex of needing to be everywhere – all the time. And if I succumb to my insecurities, and say yes; when I really meant no, or go out of my way for someone who rarely reciprocates the gesture, the outcome is always the same. I feel resentment, I’m anxious and I’m prone to say things I don’t mean. All of which do nothing for my well-being.
Can you relate?
So, off to work I went, bit by bit, I re-evaluated my decisions, asked why, observed my emotions, recognized when I was making choices based on fear, and peeled back the thousands of layers that needed to be removed.
Finally, it was like a lightbulb going off in my head and the veil was lifted. I feared that if I didn’t say yes to all the things – I would be forgotten.
It was as simple and irrational as that.
Once I acknowledged my unreasonable fear – that felt like a reoccurring rash – I dug a little deeper to see what the main culprit was. To my demise, I sat face to face with my fear of abandonment. Gad that one sucks. The loneliness, the sadness, the feeling that I am never enough, all floated to the surface and the waterworks began. However, once I hit bottom, it not only gave me clarity on what was actually going on, but it also shifted my mindset. It showcased where my intrusive thoughts were taking over and allowed me to bust through those self-constraints and limiting beliefs.
Because in reality, I am oozing with love and support. Whether it's from my amazing husband, my best friends, or my family, I know that I belong in this world and I am enough.
So, if you suffer from FOMO like me, I have fantastic news! Below are two very simple but incredibly effective exercises that will get you out of a rut and on your path to joy and ease.
Pause and take a minute to find one thing you are grateful for. I know it sounds cheesy, but at the very least, it will distract your mind long enough to acknowledge that there's a better way.
Embrace the term JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) and accept that you can’t do all the things, all the time, without sacrificing your peace.
Now I want to hear from you!
What are some tools that you use to shift your mindset?
How do fight off FOMO?
Until Next week,
Stay Wild,