#9 Ways to Cultivate a Rich Life

Did you know that 50 Cent the rapper and I have a lot in common? Ok, maybe not a LOT but we definitely share one defining value.

We both choose to live a rich life.

And I know what you’re about to say, he’s a bazillionaire, and I most definitely am not! However, in my humble opinion (and 50 Cent’s) we both wholeheartedly believe that having a rich life has NOTHING to do with how much money you make.

“Some people know how to live better than others with or without money. Even if you sleep in a 1-bedroom apartment you may be richer than the rich guy. The fabric of your life and how you feel about yourself in the moment is richness.” (50 Cent)

Some of my richest memories are when Luke and I were living in a Van, down by the river. I know that seems implausible because we didn’t have two dimes to rub together, but for me, that’s when I do my best work. When I have no other distractions or excuses to get in the way of bettering myself. Learning how to be content without having monetary wealth was crucial to my growth.


When you embody a rich life, nobody can take that away from you. It’s yours to keep forever.

My definition of living a rich life is about having LOTS of fun with my husband - even when life is tough. It’s about cultivating feminine grace under the harshest circumstances; forming non-negotiable daily self-care habits; and creating nutritious, colourful meals with very few supplies.

What does your rich life look like?

Unsure? No problem.

Here are 9 FREE ways to get you on the path:

1.       Donate a minimum of 1 garbage bag of clothes to your local thrift store

2.       Learn how to listen to your body

3.       Get rid of toxic people

4.       Create healthy boundaries with the people you love

5.       Go to the library and get a book on self-awareness

6.       Change your bedsheets

7.       Go to bed early

8.       Go on a date with yourself

9.       Read a book or listen to a story that makes you laugh so hard that snot comes out of your nose


Until next week, Stay Wild…

Much Love,



What habits are you ready to change?


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