How. Are. You. Feeling?
Merry Christmas and Salutations!
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know life is super crazy busy right now, and I appreciate the love.
So, tell me something – How. Are. You. Feeling?
Because lately, I’m as unpredictable as the weather. I’m either irritated with all the hustle and bustle in town, or super sappy when the Christmas commercials pop up.
Can you feel it too?
The push and the pull of letting go of 2023 and getting ready for 2024 is real.
If you read my last post, you know that I have been mega-focusing on forgiveness. That one’s such a toughie because those old wounds seem to surface during this time of year - whether you like it or not.
Last week I found myself ‘ugly crying’ like Bridget Jones, over some old wounds that I thought were put to bed a long time ago. You know the kind of crying- when you have a lump in your throat the size of Texas and it hurts so bad to get it out, that panic sets in because you think to yourself, am I going to stay like this forever?
But the thing is, you don’t, and if you let it out, you’re always guaranteed relief.
When you truly run the gantlet of forgiving others, you’re forgiving yourself. You let go of what no longer serves you and fresh perspectives surface like wildflowers blooming after a heavy rain. So that’s what I've been doing, mending old, wounds, and ‘stichin'' myself up, and I’m feeling pretty darn good about it.
How about you? Are you ready to clear the cache and hit reset on your new life in 2024?
What’s on your ‘forgive to-do’ list this year? I’d love to hear from you, so leave it in the comments below.
I know you can do it, and I promise - you will feel soooo much better when you get it out.
With that, I’m sending you lots of love and wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope that the holidays bring you lots of joy and snacks and sparkly things…
Until next week my friend,
Stay Wild,